Office of the Jersey County Circuit Court Clerk – Mitchell P. Reynolds
The Jersey County Circuit Court Clerk’s mission is to provide accurate information in a clear, fair and efficient manner while maintaining public confidence in the support of the judicial system.

Jersey County Circuit Court Clerk – Mitchell P. Reynolds
The Jersey County Circuit Clerk’s office is located in the Jersey County Court House. On a daily basis, the office interacts with the public and attorneys performing several functions including but not limited to:
- Collection and disbursement of traffic fines
- Civil fees
- Child support
- Recording filed documents
- Maintaining a record of all court proceedings
Payments made by credit or debit will be assessed a convenience fee.
M-F: 8 am- 4 pm
Please note: Bags are not allowed to be brought into the courthouse.
The Jersey County Clerk’s Office is located in the Government Building, which is separate from the courthouse. The County Clerk’s office provides services including but not limited to:
- Voter Registration
- Early Voting
- County Election Officer
- County Board Records
- Property Records
- Birth Certificates
- Death Certificates
- Marriage License
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For Court Case Information Click on the Judici Logo. When searching court case information type in the defendants last name, first name (there will need to be a space between the comma and the first name).